SIV是模擬d'Incident en Vol(飛行中的事件模擬)的縮寫,是提供有關如何應對不穩定和潛在危險情況(例如倒塌,滿是失速和開裂)的課程。這些課程通常由經過特殊培訓的講師在大片水域上講授,通常通過無線電指導學生。將指導學生如何誘發危險情況,從而學習一旦被誘發就如何避免和補救。向希望獲得更高性能和更不穩定機翼的飛行員推薦該課程,這對于大多數飛行員而言都是自然而然的進步。在某些國家,SIV課程是初步飛行員培訓的基本要求。萬一出現無法挽回的機動導致水著陸的情況,通常會派出一艘救援船來收集飛行員。其他增加的安全功能可能包括浮力輔助裝置或輔助備用降落傘。這些課程對于新手級別的飛行不是必不可少的。
Paragliders are unique among human-carrying
aircraft in being easily portable. The complete equipment packs into a rucksack
and can be carried easily on the pilot's back, in a car, or on public
transport.[14] In comparison with other air sports, this substantially
simplifies travel to a suitable takeoff spot, the selection of a landing place
and return travel.
Tandem paragliders, designed to carry the
pilot and one passenger, are larger but otherwise similar. They usually fly
faster with higher trim speeds, are more resistant to collapse, and have a
slightly higher sink rate compared to solo paragliders.
This can be very dangerous, because now the
forces on the line have to be controlled by the moving object itself, which is
almost impossible to do, unless stretchy rope and a pressure/tension meter
(dynamometer) is used. Static line towing with stretchy rope and a load cell as
a tension meter has been used in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, and other Eastern
European countries for over twenty years (under the name Malinka) with about
the same safety record as other forms of towing.[21] One more form of towing is
hand towing. This is where 1?3 people pull a paraglider using a tow rope of up
to 500 feet. The stronger the wind, the fewer people are needed for a
successful hand tow.[22] Tows up to 300 feet have been accomplished, allowing
the pilot to get into a lift band of a nearby ridge or row of buildings and
ridge-soar in the lift the same way as with a regular foot launch.[23]
A pilot with harness (light blue),
performing a reverse launch
The pilot is loosely and comfortably
buckled into a harness, which offers support in both the standing and sitting
positions. Most harnesses have foam or airbag protectors underneath the seat
and behind the back to reduce the impact on failed launches or landings. Modern
harnesses are designed to be as comfortable as a lounge chair in the sitting or
reclining position. Many harnesses even have an adjustable "lumbar
support". A reserve parachute is also typically connected to a paragliding
Harnesses also vary according to the need
of the pilot, and thereby come in a range of designs, mostly: Training harness
for beginners, Pax harness for tandem passengers that often also doubles as a
training harness, XC Harness for long distance cross country flights, All round
harness for basic to intermediate pilots, Pod harness, which is for
intermediate to pro pilots that focus on XC. Acro harnesses are special designs
for acrobatic pilots, Kids tandem harnesses are also now available with special
child-proof locks.
目前,我國逐漸走入小康社會,物質的豐富與生活觀念的改變,讓人們將休閑當作了生活的一部分。當代**的生活中不僅有工作,更有休閑。休閑意識的增強給運動、休閑產業的發展提供了良好的機會。圍繞運動休閑項目所形成的產業鏈條是極具有活力和生命力的,它是體育產業的本質和重點內容,幾乎所有運動休閑產業發達地區都有其特色的運動項目產業。隨著我國行業協會改進的不斷深入,動力傘,滑翔傘,飛行,熱汽球等將得到飛速發展。生產型企業應充分利用“互聯網+”的便利,加大“服務化”理念在運行休閑產業科技創新中的運用。針對不同人群研發多樣化、適應性強的運行休閑器材裝備。目前我國運動休閑產業處于成長期,自然資源豐富為我國運動休閑產業發展奠定了良好的基石,相關部門政策的支持、居民生活方式的改變是我國運動休閑發展的兩大契機,為銷售 企業提供了發展的契機。虹口區口碑好滑翔傘價格如何計算