

來源: 發布時間:2020-09-12






Reverse launches have a number of

advantages over a forward launch. It is more straightforward to inspect the

wing and check if the lines are free as it leaves the ground. In the presence

of wind, the pilot can be tugged toward the wing, and facing the wing makes it

easier to resist this force and safer in case the pilot slips (as opposed to

being dragged backwards). However, the movement pattern is more complex than

forward launch, and the pilot has to hold the brakes in a correct way and turn

to the correct side so he does not tangle the lines. These launches are

normally attempted with a reasonable wind speed, making the ground speed

required to pressurise the wing much lower.

The launch is initiated by the hands

raising the leading edge with the As. As it rises the wing is controlled more

by centring the feet than by use of the brakes or Cs. With mid level wings (EN

C and D) the wing may try to "overshoot" the pilot as it nears the

top. This is checked with Cs or brakes. The wing becomes increasingly sensitive

to the Cs and brakes as its internal air pressure rises. 


This can be very dangerous, because now the

forces on the line have to be controlled by the moving object itself, which is

almost impossible to do, unless stretchy rope and a pressure/tension meter

(dynamometer) is used. Static line towing with stretchy rope and a load cell as

a tension meter has been used in Poland, Ukraine, Russia, and other Eastern

European countries for over twenty years (under the name Malinka) with about

the same safety record as other forms of towing.[21] One more form of towing is

hand towing. This is where 1?3 people pull a paraglider using a tow rope of up

to 500 feet. The stronger the wind, the fewer people are needed for a

successful hand tow.[22] Tows up to 300 feet have been accomplished, allowing

the pilot to get into a lift band of a nearby ridge or row of buildings and

ridge-soar in the lift the same way as with a regular foot launch.[23]





      請記住,滑翔傘不是降落傘,降落傘是“可展式氣動阻力器”,它能讓人或物體從空中以較小的勻速下降。而滑翔傘是人類目前創造出的簡易的飛行器,它能借助對流層中的熱氣流越飛越高,直到云底或者熱氣流消散的積云頂端。 閔行區滑翔傘廠家報價



      在歐洲的四億人中,注冊的滑翔傘飛行員已經達到兩百多萬人。而在中國13億人中,學習滑翔傘飛行的人少之又少,持有中航協頒發的滑翔傘飛行執照的飛行員,截止2019年5月才剛好一萬人。中國與歐洲甚至韓國日本的滑翔傘運動水平差距如此之大,是因為這項運動傳入中國大陸較晚,并且中國人的運動觀念保守,有點談“空”色變,只要是與飛行有關的運動,普通人都敬而遠之不敢嘗試。其實,滑翔傘運動在歐洲還被戲虐的稱之為“老頭樂”,七、八十歲仍然在飛滑翔傘的人大有人在,飛行對于他們,是一生不變的愛好。 寶山區原裝滑翔傘詢問報價
